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Om någon har missat det så har jag en ny blogg. Antingen börjar jag blogga eller så lägger jag av. se är segt och min data med, så vi får se. Day 14- A song that no one would expect you to love.
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The triumvirate ruling our corner of the world. Sunday, March 25, 2012. Our eyes are burning from re-acclimating to the pollen count after a few of us were away in Arizona or Virginia for a bit, but, aside from the red scratchy eyes and the persistent cough, it is a pretty time here in NC. Posted by Barritt and Annabelle. Tuesday, January 17, 2012. 50 or so days since the last post. Since then J has really started talking, B has lost more teeth and A has had a birthday.
Friday, May 31, 2013. We have just been awarded the National Benjamin Franklin Book Award for the best cookbook - Celebrate Everything. By Debbi Covington with Photography by Paul Nurnberg. The national recognition and prestige of this award is an honor that we gratefully accept as kudos from our peers in the publishing industry. Thursday, January 27, 2011. Perhaps it all started with the glasses.
Vôňa kávy má zvláštnu moc. Evokuje v nás pohodu, stretnutia s priateľmi, malé zastavenie v uponáhľanom svete. Presne takýto pocit by sme vo vás chceli vyvolať aj my. Dostáva sa vám do rúk nový časopis Cafe news, ktorý budete ako dúfame nachádzať v kaviarničkách, baroch, reštauráciách a na ďalších príjemných miestach. Našou ambíciou je prinášať vám zaujímavé novinky z rôznych oblastí, rozhovory s inšpiratívnymi ľuďmi,.